Arrival Plug & Play Newsletter: Volume 9

Arrival Newsletter
3 min readMay 25, 2021


Welcome to the Arrival newsletter.

Welcome to Plug & Play, bringing you the latest Arrival news. We recently listed on the Nasdaq, delivered our first EV prototype to UPS for testing and took part in #EarthWeek discussions around ‘Mindful Sustainability’.

Quick Charge

Everything you need to know

Arrival Lists its Shares on Nasdaq With the Symbol “ARVL”
First electric vehicles are due Q4 2021.

Arrival delivers first EV prototype to UPS for testing
A huge milestone for our partnership with UPS.

Mindful Sustainability — For a clean, circular and equitable future
Our actions are based around three pillars of sustainability to create a clean, circular and equitable future.

LinkedIn Live Series — Mindful Sustainability
Watch our panel discussion with industry leaders in sustainability.


“#AskArrivalAnything what is Arrival’s approach to organisational hierarchy, decision making and autonomy? you’ve taken a non-traditional approach to almost everything — is it the same in the way you function internally as a business?”

It is. At Arrival, we follow an internal method where we decrease complexity to maximise functionality, and this very much flows into our hierarchy and decision-making. We keep lean teams, we are all encouraged to ‘question everything’, plus come up with novel and innovative solutions to how we work together internally. Arrival’s lack of legacy is our biggest opportunity, and we ensure diverse ideas and thought are encouraged from all of us.

“#AskArrivalAnything Can you please let me know when your production vehicles be available & if you would be interested in Public Sector business?”

Vehicle production starts in Q4 this year with our Bus and the Van will follow in Q3 2022. We are speaking to both public and private sector businesses about helping to suport their goals as they transition to clean air vehicles.

“Since TfL withdrawn the vintage AEC Routemaster from passenger service, do you plan to collaborate with TfL to design a new double-deck electric bus inspired by the AEC Routemaster and New Routemaster designed by Heatherwick Studio? I do understand the half-cab and open platform won’t be suitable for the current condition of bus services in London.”

There are definitely opportunities in the future for Arrival to develop an Electric Double Deck Bus thanks to the clever way the team have developed the modular vehicle architecture of our Single Deck Low Floor Bus.

However, as of now, our immediate focus is launching our Single Deck product to the market, planned for Q4 2021.

Stay tuned for future product updates.

To submit a question to r/AskArrivalAnything send us a message on Twitter or Facebook using #AskArrivalAnything. As we continue to develop solutions for cities that help drive sustainability goals, your questions, feedback and comments form a critical part of the process.

Arrival in the News

Clip of the Week
It’s Time for Radical Impact

This Week’s Top Headlines

British EV start-up Arrival is setting up in North Carolina to build a UPS fully electric fleet

British EV company ‘Arrival’ debuts on the Nasdaq

Yahoo Finance
Arrival becomes UK’s biggest tech IPO with $13bn Nasdaq float

The Times
Small is beautiful for factories in brave new world of manufacturing


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